Confronting the Enemy

As I pray with Christian leaders for their ministries, I will often assert the authority that is mine in Christ and confront the enemy in prayer. In those moments I begin my declaration by establishing the authority and power of my assertions.

“In the authority of the name of Jesus, by the redemptive power of His blood and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I declare…”

You see we do not have the authority or power in ourselves to confront the devil or his cohorts. It is a dangerous thing to confront any demon in our own authority and strength. We see in Acts19:13 a Jewish exorcist who attempted to cast out a demon by Jesus whom Paul preached, but wasn’t in Christ. The result was disastrous for the man and those with him. As believers in Christ, we have been given weapons and resources to fight against the powers of darkness.

A few weeks ago I was assisting a mentee who found healing from woundedness and freedom from bondage, in developing his own warfare prayer to walk in his new freedom. I suggested that he write these same phrases at the beginning of his prayer. These words are more than a slogan or an incantation. They are full of truth and effectual in confronting the agents of the evil one who tempt us and seek to hold us in bondage.

Jesus has been given authority. When Jesus commissioned His followers to make disciples, He declared “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” (Matt. 28:18) This authority comes out of Jesus exalted position at the right hand of the Father in the heavenlies. (Eph 1:19-23) In that high place the Father has given Jesus a name that is above every name and all things are in subjection under the feet of Jesus. (Phil 2:9-11, Eph 1:22) Now here is the amazing thing, we have been given a position of authority with Jesus as members of His body at the right hand of the Father. In the grace of God we are seated in a position of authority with Jesus at the right hand of the Father. Jesus has given us authority over the demonic in His name. As Jesus commissions His followers to preach the good news in Mark’s gospel, Jesus declares, “In My name they will cast out demons,” (Mk. 16:17) We have been given authority to confront the enemy in the name of Jesus.

There is power in the redemptive blood of Jesus to confront the enemy. When Jesus, the Lamb of God, died on the cross, He purchased us with His blood for God that we might be kings and priest to serve God and reign with Him. (Rev. 5:9,10) Now we belong to God. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. (1Pet. 2:9) We no longer belong to the prince of this world. (Matt. 4:8,9; 1Joh 3:10) Through the redemptive blood of Jesus, we have been set free from our former way of life, the generational sins of our parents. (1 Pet 1:19) Through the redemptive blood of the Lamb, we have been released from the curse of the Law and, I would suggest, any curse or agreement we make where the enemy would claim ground in our lives. (Gal 3:13) By the blood of the Lamb we have power to cancel all ground the enemy would claim in our lives.

Finally, there is power to confront the enemy through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. After His baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit in the wilderness as He was tempted by the devil. Luke 4:1 When He returns to Galilee, Jesus is empowered by the Spirit. Luke 4:14 Throughout His ministry, Jesus casts out demons and heals the sick because the Spirit of the Lord has anointed Him. (Luke 4:18) Jesus tells His followers later in His ministry that it is by the Spirit that He casts demons. (Matt. 12:28) Right before Jesus ascends into heavens, Jesus promises His followers that they will receive power when the Spirit comes upon them and they will be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8) It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that a follower of Christ can confront the enemy and advance the Kingdom of God.

The follower of Christ has power and authority to confront the demonic. It is all through the person and or the work of Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. (back to 'Weekly Blog' page)